Lunar Lynch
Well I'm sitting here listening to music and typing. Listening to Ivy, if any of you get a chance you should look her up. Highly recommended. Well I was so happy the DVD I ordered Mullholland Drive came yesterday. I love David Lynch's work, it's very dark and a very interesting protrayal of events. I'd recommend Lost Highway as well as Blue Velvet and his other work with Twin Peaks. It's funny I was thinking that I was 8 or 9 when that show came on and it was one of my favorites yet I probably was too young to really enjoy and understand everything that was going on. I recently watched season 1, the pilot, and fire walk with me again. I saw a lot more now at age 23 then I saw at 8 or 9. I must admit as a child I was greatly disturbed by Season 2. I tried to watch Eraserhead, I believe was his first major picture. It was pretty odd. I had difficulty getting into that film. Well I have to go.

Yafro Moblog