This place blows. Its as simple as that. For some reason beyond my comprehension the fire alarm has gone off three nights and morning in a row. It went off at 12:30 AM on Tues, around 11 pm that same tuesday...then this morning it went off at 4 something this morning... i mean come on...

So now we've got this roving guard thing which when we have it, we'll be doing it for a week and if someone pulls an alarm while we are on shift we'll be charged with dereliction of duty.... it's just a lot of stupid shit... people can't be in every stack at once so if you happen to be in the wrong stack...oh well. Plus the week we have guard we'll be losing 3 hours of sleep a night.

This is just a lot of high school mickey mouse shit. I am just so tired of dealing with dumbass things like this. This really bothers me, that i can't just reside somewhere that doesn't have all this dumbshit going on...its just so uncalled for.

I just hope this shit stops and the alarm doesn't go off.


Yafro Moblog