I don't know what it is lately but i keep cutting myself. Last week I sliced my hand with a key trying to open this plastic thing and yesterday i sliced my middle finger with a knife trying to cut a rug...literally. It was an instant where both tasks were safely completed with a scissors afterwards.
I watched two movies yesterday. Both interesting probably movies you've never heard of. First was "Everything is Illuminated" This movie starred Elijah Wood. It is was a very odd, but interesting movie about this young Jewish boy who basically is a collector of his past. He travels to Ukraine to find the home of his Grandparents where they fled to avoid death from the Nazi's. It is not your typical movie and it started off very slow, but after the first 15 minutes i really got into this movie.
After that movie I watched "The Perez Family" It was a film by Mira Nair, who is slowly becoming a favorite director of mine. She also did "Monsoon Wedding which was the last piece of work i watched of hers. It is also another one of those quirky movies with very interesting characters. Who knew Marissa Tomei was cuban?...haha..she isn't the only gripe is that fake tan on Tomei to make her seem Cuban. Other than that it was a good movie with a funny story. Alfred Molina gives a very good performance as well.
It was storming last night. Lost power for 10 seconds. Well i've got a shoot today...hopefully everything goes smoothly.

Yafro Moblog