tune into my odd dreams
I've been dreaming like crazy lately. The other night i had this dream I was walking through this neighborhood which was like a slum.

When I was noticed I tried to scurry out. It was then that I was surrounded by these women...and most times you'd think...ah yeah, but not this time. These women seemed to be in almost trance-like state.

The women had henna covered hands but these were not any old henna tattoos, they were laced with drugs. The effects of the drugs were passed through the skin and touching me would directly put the drug into me. These women were reaching for me and trying to touch me. I felt this buzzing pain in my head which prevented me from running...they were going to touch me and infect me...then i awoke.
That was the night before, last night I had a dream I was on a cruise ship and It sort of had a condo like structure on it. Anyways I was in one of the rooms overlooking part of the ship.

Anyways I was out on the lanai and I saw Michael Jackson and he jumped off into the water. Everyone was scrambling. The current was carrying him towards a reaf. I remember as he drifted past the ship that a car was sinking into the ocean. I busted out my camcorder thinking to myself, no one will believe this and ooh this will be on every news station and be viewed over and over like they tend to do with infamous footage. Movin on...A rescue person on a jet ski chased after Michael and ate it after a wave hit him and engulfed the jet ski. Eventually the rescue team got to Michael Jackson and he was babbling like a mad man...speaking about how he took his medication but they weren't working anymore.

I remember feeling really sad during that moment.

There were a lot of fragments to this dream. I dreamt my Sgt here asked me if I was a secret agent and me replying to him that I trust him enough to reveal that I was secret gov't agent and then it was weird .....I then went from being the person talking to me being outside the person speaking...and then I saw myself and I was Black...well actually I turned out to be Mario Van Peoples...and then my eyes lit up and were filled up and were completely brown...almost alien. Who knows where Mario Van Peoples came from...it took me a while to actually remember his name when i awoke.

There was this other part of the dream where i am in an airport like mall and i am with a kid and i am sort of holding him hostage, but i am trying to get him to lead me somewhere but the kid keeps trying to trick me and lose me. I eventually gain his trust and he agrees to lead me where I want to go.

While i in this mall, I realize I am trying to find my family. I find them at a resturant sitting at a table. For some reason I tell them I died outside...the thing that shocks me is that no one notices or seems to care about anything I am saying. I yell, "I just died" ,and they just say "that is good."

That is where I woke up.

What an intense and odd couple nights of dreaming.


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