Who know what will happen
God this is so frustrating... first i'm going, then I am not going, then i am going again and now things are swinging back to not going possibly... i guess the lesson here is that nothing is set in stone and won't happen till it happens...i just want a more definite answer so i can prepare.

Had to go to this special training tonight. We had to swim in our uniforms and boots. It is actually hard to swim in boots. At the end we had to jump off a high board with a fake m16 over our heads. It is surprising how many people are afraid of this little jump. I just don't think about it...the only thing that bothered me is that i wasn't wearing contacts and had no glasses so i really couldn't see. I'm a great floater...i'm very boyant... i am an average swimmer though...not that fast...mostly cause i've got short arms and legs.

It will be interesting to see what the future holds for me this year and where i will finally end up.

On another note, I just bought the Flash TV series on DVD...it is so cheesy, but i remember watching it when i was younger and being totally into this show...plus danny elfman the guy who scored the original batman movie scores the main theme for this show. God I remember having the biggest crush on the Actress Amanda Pays on that show...man just something about those hot-geeky scientist types that gets me all hot and bothered...and I am not talking Denise Richards and as a Nuclear Physicist in the James Bonds film..scoff!

For the first time in a while I feel like i am in better shape and improving. My runs feel less demanding, and I don't feel as out of breath...sure my shins and joints hurt somewhat but the swimming felt like hardly anything. I feel like I have more energy.


Yafro Moblog