a lot of different things

Well I saw a couple more movies this weekend. I saw Domino on Saturday and Just Friends yesterday.

I enjoyed both movies. I particularly liked Domino. I don't know what it is, but I find senseless violence quite funny in a lot of movies, like Domino or Sin City.

My favorite part of the movie though had to be the whole Blacktino and Japanic part.

Just Friends kind of reminded me of There's Something about Mary. Pretty funny movie.

I watched Terminal last night. I was telling my friend I was expecting a really crappy movie, but was surprised. It was surprising good. I also watched Stealth. I was expecting a really crappy movie again. It is so much better going into a movie expecting crap and being proven wrong.

I was talking to my friend about how a lot more movies nowadays have either open ended or non happy endings. Those often are movies I don't like. Here is the thing, I think it's two things.

One, honestly I think people have been so conditioned to expect the happy ending or everything works out that when it doesn't, or when the director decides to leave it unresolved you can't help but not like the movie.

Second I think a lot of writers/directors just put a bad or open ended ending more out of just doing it and don't have really good justification to end movies that way.

I think if movies had a reason or supported those endings people could accept them and I think it'd make for better movie experience.

Ok, thinking way to much i guess about meaningless stuff.

I've noticed that I've been doing that a lot lately. Consuming my thoughts with meaningless issues.

I have so many external things that really aren't that important. I have 3 books I've bought I need to read, 30 or 40 comic books to read, 30 burned DVD's to watch and 10 DVD's I've bought to watch, continue writing my stories/plays, play the 5 PSP and PS2 games I bought.

Sometimes I feel like I bog myself with so many things I feel I need to absorb that it is just nuts.

I feel like I know a great deal because I am always trying to consume information..

I love watching movies, playing games, reading and writing. Yet, I feel I take it so far that it almost seems like a chore.

Oh if only I could stop time and do everything I wanted it. I was thinking today and realized sometimes its perhaps best to just throw everything away and allow yourself to moments to be blank.

Well, I don't know what is going on with my upcoming deployment. For one thing it's been pushed back.

There is also rumors I hear that seem to be more frequent in variations. That is that we are or may in addition be going to Africa.

A lot of the reactions to it seems negative. Most of the Soldiers I've talked to don't want to go to Africa and rather go to Afghanistan.

Who knows where we might end up.

26 days till I come home...yah!!!

On another note... I have already starting thinking what I might do on my Deployment leave. While in Afghanistan or wherever I will be allowed to go on leave for 2 weeks I believe. I was thinking that while I was out there that perhaps instead of coming home I might want to take the opportunity to go somewhere I've always wanted to go.

Right now I am thinking either Japan or Europe? Specifically maybe Italy or Germany.... still in the hmm stages.. I haven't made any financial plans but will have to plan for it. It is something I want and think will be good after months in Afghanistan or wherever..


Yafro Moblog