ramblings of a mad man
It is so amazing in the age of information how communication seems no better. Everyday in my life I witness the breaking down of communication. Sit down and count the number of instances where communication breaks down. The tasks that appears simplest aren't always reflected as such.

No matter the good, there is still the bad. For every one that balances there is a true counterbalance. It is an amazing frustration of existance really.

In life, there really aren't always the conventional villians to the story.

Have you ever noticed how much you want to focus your hate, frustration, and anger at one person?

What is there, when there really is not one person to blame?

And life has become such a bandwagon. A world of trends that means nothing in actual time of need.

It is in that feeling, one can choose to never forgive but instead chooses to blame.

I think about true unrelenting forgiveness for each other. I quesetion its existance for it only seems to exists in pockets.

Healing can be amazingly forced through hate. A tricking of the mind, of a resolution that we want to believe exists.

So many endings in my life has sweetended the pot of my existance. I often think of scorched earth. The idea of destruction bringing about anew beginning, and perhaps bringing forward the surviving remanants.

I wonder how much more must be cindered down for there to be some type of restoration.

There is so much of a want to put a name, a word, a sound, and or a emotion to it all. Nothing we have though is able to provide any sufficiency.

One has to wonder if this existance was really meant for us. Were we always this lost?

I can't help but sometime feel life is a record playing over and over. The needle slowly overheats the vinyl from nonstop play, eventually warping the record until it vaguely resembles the music it once was.


Yafro Moblog