Think Smarter, not Harder
Finally got a briefing of somesort this morning.

I got a packing list if we are called for and then got told to have a good weekend basically..

Feels almost crass to be told to enjoy the weekend when there are things I see going on here in Louisiana.

If we are called to help we won't be called in to help in New Orleans. Another section is taking point in lending relief. What our role is likely to be is to take over the role of the group going in.

The commander said, He understands some of us may want to help since it is so nearby, but we are not the primary response team. We have to fill the void of the outside group being called in.

I have been watching the outrage on the news at how the government is dealing with this disaster.

I have to agree, and if there is some method to how they are coordinating this, I think they have to let people in on it.

There is help available, and i am sure there are people available.

I was wondering what it must be like for the National Guard who are returning from Iraq to deal with their devistated home.

To have to be pointing their M-16 against insurgents in Iraq only to have to apply that same force back home.

It amazes me what actual Americans think and feel sometimes really has no affect on the decisions of our government. It is difficult at times to have a government that doesn't reflect on the choices you yourself would make.

Some people in the Army seem to be worried that all the bad press and heat Bush has been getting is going to get targeted at the army

I was watching the news and Bush is finally is making his way out here. I think personally he waited to long to come out here.

I think some of the people of New Orleans might not welcome him or if they do they will be begging him for help.

I am not sure he will make it on the ground of New Orleans. Sounds like he may just fly over and then end up at the Airport, but not really go through the entire city on the ground...why, probably because they can't ensure the safety of the President.

I don't know about you, but that says something to me.

I don't want to be one of those people that jump on the tear Bush a new one band wagon, but he is the top dog and he has the most ability to affect change.

His position is a galvanizing one, and my biggest problem is I don't see him providing the necessary leadership and taking full advantage of his office to affect aid.

People wouldn't fault him if they saw more effort. If he is doing something, it is his responsibility to get that out to the people, he can't hide behind the fact he doesn't want to show off he is doing something.

It is his job to also project the image that he is doing something. Whether or not he is or not. He does not seem to do any of that.

His tour of Missouri seems so insincere. A woman and her daughter go into the arms of Bush in anguish, probably hoping some exposure to his Bush-ness will get them some help.

They tell him they have no clothes and she attempts to tell him his story.

He tries to come off as sympathetic, but comes out stiffer than a sword fish. He seems like a toddler trying to understand the plight of his people. He seems out of touch and that is difficult for me, to have a leader that is not looking and really seeing the suffering of his people. His response is find the Salvation Army or get aid from a facility somewhere. He seems like he is acting sympathetic in my opinion. Many Americans of today seems foreign to suffering at home and now they are. It isn't as easy as telling someone get some help. Help needs to be provided.

I've heard reports that Bush does good things but doesn't like to have cameras to record it. Truthfully, I think it hurts him everytime he is on camera. People might argue the media is manipulating all this. Really, all time?

We also got a briefing about what we as soldiers put on the internet.

I have to be more careful. I won't put any locations down. I won't keep silent about my opinion even if it is my job to do so. I think it is pure laziness to throw the veil of operational security over everything.

Some things are not endangering security. As far as making the government look good, I do that when I write vague press releases.

I look at the time table things of this disaster and I really feel that someone out there dropped the ball.

I know our leaders here are tirelessly planning for deployment. I am sure as news of the devastataion first came in, a great deal of people wanted to help. They haven't been asked to and can't stop planning for deployment. We are right there in the state and only parts of the unit here has been taken out at a time to help.

We aren't even the first line unit to take action here even though we are in the state.
That is like if your neighbors house was burning down and instead of going out to help them, being forced to stay in our own house and have someone from California come and help put out the fire, while we then get told we need to go to California.

The main thing that glares at me is that time is a great enemy here. People are suffering and the more efficient we can be, the less people have to suffer. There is a saying in the army that goes "Think smarter, not harder" I wish the government would follow that.

There is a lot going on in the world, I also wonder what things are being glossed over. The worst part with the over saturation of new coverage, knowing many Americans, many will get tired of seeing these images and will soon begin to toon out for happier programing.

We are told not to go into New Orleans to try to help on our own time.

I wonder sometimes.


Yafro Moblog