Love me if you dare DVD
I just finished watching this movie on DVD called "Love Me if You Dare."

Anyone want to have a nice and interesting romantic night in, and don't mind subtitles should rent this one.

I quite quirky and fun to watch. I am a sap for these kinds of movies.

Today I finished an article and turned it in for submission to the paper. I got a story in last weeks paper and got a main photo credit on one of my stories and a stand-alone photo as well. I typed a whole story but they just put the stand alone photo.

I always get bummed when my whole story doesn't get in, especailly after all the time i spent typing the damn things out.

I hate writing these stories too, more and more. I wonder if It is starting to show.

I worked on a few more photos on photoshop and posted them on my webshots page.


Yafro Moblog