back from training
Privates Log> Well I have finally returned from my training mission.
I haven't decided if i am going to now keep 3 blogs going. I just started a new one on myspace today. Almost all my friends are on it and though I still like the idea of a hidden journal I have decided to keep 2 written journals. Hell maybe I will keep all three.
I just returned from 2 weeks in the field training. Well not necessarily training but training in the realm of my field in the army.
Still it wasn't easy pushed me.
Highlights of this trip were seeing wild horses.
Interesting observation: A horse really does have a huge penis.
I was truly envious. I am not sure any man can be hung like a horse.
Horses slongs aside, I took a great deal of pictures during this training mission. I also did a great deal driving. I think when it averages out I drove an average of 130 miles a day in a Humvee.
Consider this though, I probably drove more on some days and less on others.
The Major I work for is driving me crazy, but I don't feel like bitching too much on my first entry. There will be plenty of time for that. Let's just say he told a friend of mine, not to talk to me, so I could focus on my work. He crossed a line into what I do with an hour of free time I have, which crossed the line for me.
It was very hot out there. I was kind of up and down emotionally. I ache for my freedom and the army is like a corsitte at times. Provides good support at times but too constrictive for my times other times.
I slept on the hood of a Humvee much like the one in the pic of my profile. Not the most comfortable. I slept under the stars with the Mosquito, Ants, Spiders, and Racoons. There was a lot of thunder in the sky.
At times I was testing the laws of probability and fate waiting to see if the lightning would hit me. It didn't of course.
It was very hot and humid as I said. We had a large number of people pass out and suffer heat injuries. In the range of 20 to 30 people. I had to help medics load soldiers on litters and litter carry and lift soldiers into the ambulance.
I drank a lot of water in order not to be a statistic.
I am better at dealing with things then i give myself credit i think.
i saw many soldiers get thermometers stuck up their asses.
Quite a sight i tell you.
Very much a time of growing pains.
I stank most of the times as many of my fellow soldiers did.
Thank god for baby wipes.
Well this concludes this entry...

Yafro Moblog