4 July recap
Well I had a good time in New Orleans for the most part. I discovered a new love for slot machines.

I spent a lot of time at the Casinos. It was fun because I was winning money. After losing money for a while I hit a winning streak and started winning cash. I ended up making 150 dollars at the slots.

The only bad things was the upset stomach I got while I was there.

I was there during the essence festival.

I really felt like a minority there. There were crowds of black people. My friends that I was out with were all black. I kept joking they cpuldn't lose me. All they had to ask someone in the crowd if they've seen an asian guy and they'd easily find me.

I was watching Magnum PI on DVD and I actually saw one of my old theatre teachers on the show.

I got a kick out of that. I can't remember what season or episode my dad appeared on the show, but I'm keeping an eye out for him. It was a real small role, less than a minute on screen.

Actually I am not feeling so hot right now. My stomach is acting up again.



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