back2new orleans, x-girlfriends, tarot reading, and Batman
I went to New Orleans this weekend. I had a great time.

It's been good lately. I drove down there and it was a long drive.

I drove down there after work with two of my friends.

Unfortunetly, I had to drive there at night and since this was the first time I actually drove there, it wasn't that great.

It remained lit till 8:30 which was good. We got there around 10:30.

I met up with another old friend and one time girlfriend. She is the one X-girlfriend that I still remain good friends with.

Sometimes, especially after spending time with her this weekend, I think back at what might have been...had we not had mutually ended the relationship.

She's a great person and I see that and I see the lack of that in my life.

I realize though that is no reason to want something that just wasn't meant to be, just because a lack of possible cantidates in the love department.

We went to a few clubs on Burbon Street.

We got to dance and I had fun.

I had 3 hand grenades and this shot in a test tube, which tasted kind of watered down.

My friend and I both got a Tarot reading.

I was feeling really receptive and I did the Tarot reading with a minimum of resistance. Truth is I have never held much faith in such things. However, that night I looked at the guy who seemed really cool and I made myself just do the reading and take it as it came.

The guy had a really good vibe to him. I don't know what it was, but I really liked the guy. He and his cats seem quite... I am not sure what word to use to describe it, goodhearted I guess.

It makes me happy when I see it.

I've said it before, but I feel that when it comes to people I can really see a great deal in them, it's sort of what I feel a tarot card reader or psychic uses I believe. I sort of think sometimes that it has less to do with the people and more to do with generalities and the ability to read people and their responses. So in that sense I am always skeptical.

Most of the things my reading gave to me was 70% on the mark.

He told me that the gifts I possessed were similar to his own, when it came to being able to see a great deal of who a person really is and reading them.

We ended up leaving Bourbon St at 4 am. I had a great time that night.

Saturday I saw Batman Begins. Anyone who has been reading my diary for quite a while would know that I am a huge Batman fan.

For the most part I have been staying away from reviews or even preview on what the movie was about.

Let me just say my faith has been restored and I have a new Favorite movie.

I was a little worried the first 15 minutes but once the movie progressed I was quite happy with the product. It was nothing like the monstrousity that was Batman & Robin. Thank God!.

I came back this evening and pretty tired. I had a great weekend though.


Yafro Moblog