back and forth
I was watching two movies this morning.

Without a Mexican and the other DVD "Cowboys & Angels"

Both were really good films.

I watched Paparrazzi last night. That was ok, not great. It had a lot of celeb cameos.

Of course it made me hate the Paparrazzi.

I started the weekend feeling really up and somewhere along the way I got really anti-social this weekend.

I really didn't want to be around anyone and I also started to feel lonely. Somewhat different from the inspired and content feeling from Friday.

I really don't like crowds. And I think it would be nice to have that one person, you can sort of be with but be off sometimes.

You know the type of person who is on when you feel on and then the type of person that can kind of shut off and just enjoy a movie and not really have to talk.

I just didn't feel like talking.

I haven't heard any news about my grandmother yet.

A friend next door might of passed out or had alcohol poisoning last night.

It was the worst last night.

I just didn't care. I thought to myself, God why do these people have to constantly fall apart near me. I guess sometimes I am great at letting all these bad things roll off, but then there are times that I am so tired of people falling apart next to me. It's like I take in too much sometimes and I burn myself out.

Everyone was gathering outside my door trying to get in this guys room.

Somehow he deadbolted the door and people for an hour and a half were pounding on the door. All I could feel was indifference. I stayed in my room and let everyone else gwack in concern.

It is messed up that this guy has been getting really shafted by the army and they have honestly been fucking with him and mysteriously loosing his paperwork on purpose. Last night these same people were sounding concerned trying to get in his room.

I am semi close to this guy so I should have been showing more concern, but I think with that I got a lot of things to think and worry about I sort of shut off last night.

It kind of bothers me a little.

I have been hiding in books and movies these last 48 hours.

I am odd guy. One moment ready to take on anything life throws at me, the next wanting to take a step back and act like I don't exist.


Yafro Moblog