off to Houston now
Well I saw Star Wars Episode 3 last night. It was ok. I actually was dissapointed even though my friends loved it. I don't know, it just wasn't strong story for me. It was missing something.

Well I am going to Houston tomorrow. I rented a car and a few of my friends and I are driving down to Houston for the weekend. It should be nice to get out of Fort Polk.

I just want to get away from being in the military for a few days and act like a normal non-military person for a day.

I was watching the news tonight and saw two things that bugged me. One was George W., blowing off the whole Saddam in his undies fiasco. It is not the biggest deal but it is an issue with Iraqi's. I think his cavalier attitude is what gets me. The guy just can't be humble or even show a little remorse.

Then there is that whole recuiter scandal and the high school kid reporting on how flawed our recruiting methods...like no shit.

Honestly it is hard to get people to serve in the military right now because of all the mixed feelings about leaderhip, current events, and just life in general. Throughout my training I heard how great that the soldiers that had just joined were doing something that not everyone was doing right now.

I really wouldn't take back my choice. I don't plan on sticking around once my time is up but, this experience has taught me a great deal and there are things I really never can replace.

There is also this guy Michael Crook who has this website, "Forsake the Troops"

It is quite amazing what this guy thinks. He is free to believe what he wants, however a lot of his ideas are generalizations. In my time in service I have met a variety of people, good and bad. It is very much like life, there are good and bright people and there are dumb asses. It really does disturb me when people want to dismiss the army as a whole.

The Army is going through a lot of PR problems, perhaps none more than normal. Its odd that I am a Public Affairs Specialist. I am very much in a unique position.
To be perfectly honest sometimes it seems like people are really worrying and making a big fuss over the issues that don't matter in order not to deal with the things that do.

Today I finished up my story on why the Army needs to do more Media on the Battlefield training. That was part of what I was doing in Arkansas.

I was acting as civilain media trying to expose the problems and deficiencies of the soldiers when dealing with the media.

I think a soldiers job is even harder because it is not only about doing the mission before them, but additional connatations and things that may or may not matter are also involved. It really is a shame. Sometimes it seems like our own liberties are fueling our need for self mutilation.

Well I have to pack for tomorrow. I promise a good update soon of my trip up at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas.

I'll also let you all know how Houston goes.


Yafro Moblog