8 mile morning
The bullshit never ends sometimes. I went on an 8 mile run in a little bit under an hour.

Why? Because someone fucked up and the guy who leads our morning PT decided to be an ass an punish everyone. All the while people kept bitching.

I just did it and wanted to be done and over with.

I had nothing to do with this.

It sucks because a lot of these guys aren't to bright or else just love getting in trouble and like to do dumb things.

I thought this whole mass punishment crap would stop.

Am I the only one with the right idea. Be stealthy. Don't draw any attention to yourself and do the right thing. When someone who over ranks you argues with you, back down.

I tell you, being good can be so trying sometimes. I was so happy when all these guys were in the field. I had no problems. Why, because there is no one to get me in trouble.

The run wasn't killing me. It wasn't easy. I have a blister in the same place all my blisters develop. I think I have had 12 blisters there this year.

For someone who is considered overweight by 1 lbs, i don't run too bad.

Only the hills hurt. The rest of the way I kept a good pace.

Today I have to cover our Brigade Commander leaving for the field via Helicopter, which kind, not sure. We'll see. Hopefully will get some good pics.


Yafro Moblog