dream baby
God it seems like ages since I have been able to update. It's funny that I've been contemplating leaving diaryland for another blog and this happens.

I looked at my diary right now and it's kind of messed up.

Well it's been a busy and tiring couple of days. I have been spending so much time researching and studying weapons systems and their accessories so that I can write about them.

I had a really mind blowing dream last night. I dreamt I was a father with a real baby and I looked and held him and it was something. He was so small and it was weird thinking of myself as the adult responsible for another. My baby had asian and some hispanic features. He was so tiny. It really was cliche but having those little eyes look upon you does something to a person.
Hopefully this goes through.

My internet got turned off the other day on accident which really blew so I couldn't update and then when it came back up, diaryland went down. My internet has been really crappy recently, going in and out.

That dream was the only good thing I can bring up really.

Everything else has been crap.


Yafro Moblog