A lot to chew on
I've had a lot to chew on these last few days.

It took me a few days but I wrote my dad back. It was the most supportive and also as honest as I could be. I hope he takes it that way.

Last time I wrote from the heart he responded with something like, you asshole.

Anyways I am just hoping that he sees I love him and my stepmom.

I still don't know too much about her health, I asked my dad to fill me in. I didn't want to ask her directly because she doesn't want people to know. I just called today and talked to her as if I didn't know.

I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

I haven't had much time to write nor the energy. I've been busy. I've been doing a lot of thinking as well.

Yesterday I went on a 12 mile ruck march. Basically I had 40vlbs ruck sack which is basically a 40 lbs back pack and walked the distance of 12 miles . We all did it a little under 3 hours. The army standard is actually 4 hours so we did better than the standard by far. We did so by not stopping the entire way. My boots were killing my feet.

I spent most of the time not thinking about how much my foot or shoulder hurt, and actually was thinking a lot about my stepmom and dad.

I've been thinking about all this a lot really.

I was thinking about maybe needing to take emergency leave and going home.

On top of that I had to work after that. I was pushing a wheel barrow of dirt up and down a hill.

After that I had to move rooms again. It took 4 hours of my own time. After that I played 2 basketball games.

It pretty much wiped me out.

I went out to the post office today and sent some things home.

I called some people including my stepmom.

I watched a few movies to unwind a bit today. I watched "Something's Gotta Give." The highlight of that movie was not seeing Jack Nicholsons wrinkly ass or even seeing Keanu playing a role that was not some type of iconic hero role he has been playing lately. It was a fun and cute movie. Predictable but cute.

I also saw "In Good Company" at the Post theatre. It was also a cute movie, with a somewhat open ending. THe reaction of most people was clear, they didn't like the open ending. It was neither a happy or not happy ending. I sort of agree. It was good that it didn't just settle with the hollywood ending, but it does sort of cop out by not really making a choice.

On another note, I found out the first story I did here, got published along with my photos for the post paper. I am amazed that piece of crap made it, but it did. I guess it's a good start, and something I can build on.

Sometimes I think I make a better photographer than a writer.

Well it's been a week. Not sure what else I can say. A lot to chew on.


Yafro Moblog