Well i've magically plucked some wireless internet signal off someone elses signal.

It's cool cause i now i can access digtial and wireless service for free. Granted it is not the most secure things to do, but it's a risk i'm willing to take. I love laptops and wirelss technology.

I saw a college or education advisor today. It looks like i am in a very good position to continue my eduction and finally finish a degree.

Recently I've been having a lot of dreams about Jessica.

When I saw her in Hawaii, i realized for the first time that I had moved on and that those feelings of my first true love were really only memories of my feelings of love. It's weird when love goes from present to a form of the past tense.

I also saw Viva, and she looks great and seems to do well. The things that gets me is that even though it is so over between us when i saw her, i couldn't help but feel that our relationship would never be able to even resemble a friendship again because there was so much love there and perhaps echoes of that still remains. She looked and talked to me as if she was trying to hide her true feelings. I can't say for sure but it seemed like it was she still cared for me.

Like I said I have no wishes to return to relationships of yester year.

I wonder if I am thinking of past loves right now because honestly there is no resemblence of love or a love interest in my life.

I don't know what it is about this place but right now I am feeling the most isolated of any time i've been the military and well it isn't something i'm happy about. I miss home and i miss my friends and just being close to someone.


Yafro Moblog