Farewell Diaryland, Batman's leaving Gotham City but will return....( Exiles to be Continued)
I wish I could write a better sending off entry. To be quite honest I haven't really had the time or the energy to write a good entry in here for a while.

This is going to be the last entry for quite a while. I am really getting ready for basic now. I am seeing people and going out and packing and trying to maintain my sanity while staying with my parents. I actually would just love a night alone with nothing to do before I go.

My parents computers have been giving me a hard time and I don't know if I will be able to get online the next time so i decided since I have a moment and am alone now I would just do my last entry before I go.

There computer isn't the only thing giving me grief, my parents are, but thats a subject for another time.

Let me say that I definetly will return to diaryland and this isn't the end of my diary, I will just be away for a long time.

I will write some people and say hi when I get a chance. I am sorry I never really got to note and write everyone before I left so this is going to have to be general bye for now, to everyone out there.

I hope to find all your diaries filled and brimming with details when I return on whats been going on with all of you.

I leave my diary with my all time favorite Jim Lee Batman illustration. I posted it before, but this one is my favorite and since I love Batman so much I thought it only fitting. Also I added a radom entry feature so anyone of you that haven't read all of exiles can go back and read some of my classic entries.

Take care everyone and thanks for all your support! =)


Yafro Moblog