crazy weather
I'll just say one more thing about Big Fish. I liked it but I don't think it was Burton's best work. It is no Edward Scissorhands or Batman.

My favorite Burton film is of course Batman Returns. My least favorite is Planet of the Apes. My favorite non batman Burton film is Beatle Juice.

My friend and I thought that the middle of Big Fish seemed to have a lot of deadspots and for a moment it seemed like the movie was going to be kind of flat. It however seemed to pick up for the ending which of course when it matters the most.

At the core there is a good story there though.

Non Big Fish discussion aside...

The weather here today...man...

There were blackouts throughout the island. Funny thing though, wherever I was there was power, everywhere else had no power. The power seemed to stay with me but left others. It was interesting to say the least. Where I work, we had power. Next to us is a Safeway, and when I say next to us, it's next to us, well anyways there was no power there. It was odd, both sides of the store I work at there was no power and here we are in the middle with power. Of course a lot of other places lost power and the stores closed and people got to go home...but no not for me. We had power and I had to work. Ain't life grand sometimes...

The reason there was no power was because of these really high winds and storm like conditions that hit and left the island in a manner of a day. It knocked out tons of power lines and shut down roads and two schools had to close down. It blew off roof tiles and brough trees down through peoples houses. It also created huge surf and caused huge amount of damage to docked ships in the harbor. There will probably more news on the effect tomorrow. It wasn't a hurricane or anything like that but it was a little rough.

But like I said I still have power. While the power outages seem to be mostly on one part of the island I have not felt any of the effects so don't worry about me. I kind of really wish though that power had gone out at work. It's like when you're a kid and you wish for things to close your school down, of course you don't want it to be at the cost of someones life or safety but it's always nice to have things get you out of places you'd rather not be.

I had a conversation the other night and my friend told me that he has had the best deep conversations with me. It sort of has me feeling flattered. It's funny I have all these thoughts and I jot most of them down on diaryland, but I have a lot of these thoughts and conversations with myself most of my life. It's cool when you get to share this with others and it seems to affect others. It makes me wonder if I need to do a better job of sharing my actual thoughts with people. Perhaps I spend to much time in my own head to work these thoughts out... well I don't know.

He also seemed amazed at my knowledge of music and thought I'd make a great DJ with my broad but good ear for different music. It was just nice getting an ego stroke. Truth is I think it's amazing that there are so many diarylanders with great musical tastes. I often pick up some on some great music from my fellow diarylanders.

Speaking of great music. I hope some you were able to check out the Linus website and listen to the three songs they have on their site. I really like there song Boss. There site again is www.linustheband.com. They are a hawaii band and I think from the bands I've actully heard, that they are one of the best Indie Alt-Rock bands in Hawaii.


Yafro Moblog