Terror Alert- Orange
Well all over the news are stories of the raised Terror alert and the Earthquake over in California.

Strangely enough the plot to The Core ran into my mind and wildly imagined that perhaps Al Queda got ahold of an earth quake weapon as was discussed in the movie and used it as there mode of attack.

Of course this is purely fictional conjecture... but boy, the influence movies can have on the different things we can imagine.

I watched Bowling for Columbine today and it's funny how the themes of the movie seem very related to the events of today. I thought what was very interesting was the manner in which we allow fear to continue to rule this country. THe thing that the film seemed to say was that a great difference between the US and Canada and other countries when related to violence in the country was that a lot of this is seems to be caused by the atmosphere of fear we create here and how because of this fear we act in irrational and in an unproductive matter.

I agree though, this country seems particularly suspect to fear, more so than many others in most instances. I agree that defense shouldn't be taken lightly particularly after 9/11, but how far can we allow fear to go. How much leeway can we allow fear to have in the living our daily lives. To not protect oneself is reckless but live in full defense is not living. We all seem to affraid of pain and of getting hurt. We have made the things we are afraid of so powerful and we really have lost something.

THis is very human though, and hopefully this doesn't bring us to edge of hysteria.

My favorite line from the movie is when Michael Moore, is interviewing the acuited McNichols brother. I thought it was classic when he said, " The Pen is mighter than the sword, but I am going to have a sword when the pen fails." My thinking is WTF! That's like saying God will save me but I'll carry this life preserver when God doesn't come.

The portions with Charlton Heston and Dick Clark was kind of dissapointing. I think it only shows how well they are at projecting their entertainment personas and how human and flawed they are. It's often hard for me to not associate great characteristics that actors and entertainers show on stage from what they are truly like. It seems so real and genuine and you have to think that somewhere in there those qualities really exist for them to show them, and when they don't really have those qualities, it's really dissapointing. Though Michael Moore was making them uncomfortable and making them face something unpleasant, i think that short clip of them spoke more to me about who they really are, more so than any of their films.

I think the film was good not that it was trying to stir things up, moreso there seems to be a strong belief and real curiousity as to what is really going on.


Yafro Moblog