Return of the King
I saw LOTR: Return of the King tonight. It was everything I had hoped for and I am glad to say it was one of the few movies I went to see with high expectations that didn't dissapoint me with cop out plot directions or bad direction and acting. It was very well done and executed.

It was long though, I haven't seen a movie this long since Titanic really. Very much a grand epic. My ass was really sore from sitting down for so long. Good thing I didn't need to pee. My friend told me he had to pee towards the end and everytime the movie looked as if it were going to end it didn't and his want to pee made him want the movie to end sooner. It just amused me.

Well I won't say anymore cause I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it plus it's late. Night


Yafro Moblog