I saw the movie Enigma tonight. Very good, tied with the Abyss for the best movies of the 7 dvd's I rented. Kate Winslet is amazingly versatile. And Dougray Scott IS a really great Actor.

No offense to Hugh Jackman, I think Dougray after seeing his performance might have been a better Wolverine, not that his character has any similarities to Wolverine nor are there any affiliations to X-men...you silly people. Anyways, I just felt there was this truly silent and somewhat tortured pain that isn't always present in Jackmans performace of old Wolvie. I think though that is only a small part of Wolverine I think it's a nice piece I'd like to see more.

Ok I am getting overly analytical.

It was a great movie, and I highly reccomend it. It's sort of a slow moving movie for anyone with short attention spans it might not be for you. THough if you like a nice unfolding story, that is not dependant on rapid actions but on subtle but percise actions this is for you. THe acting, Directing, and overall great movie.

ok this will stop being the Grant DVD-review slash diary. Back to your regularly scheduled Exiles...


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