like Lucille Ball my ass
I was going to write about the comments about Jessica Simpson's dad saying that she is not really that dumb but playing on the sterotype but Savecraig already beat me to it. I nearly chocked on my breakfast though when he started comparing her to Lucille Ball.

Hell if you're making that comparison, I guess I am a lot like Ghandi...whatevers.

THis picture I have of Gayle Harold on the left also known as Brian Kinney on the Showtime show "Queer as Folk" I think is the most beautiful man. If I could have another body this would be it. Well you know, not in an obessessed crazy kind of way.

Well the second Matrix comes out today. I would love to get the DVD, especially since MAtrix #1 was my first DVD i ever bought.

Well off to work, got to get ready for another wonderful 1 to 10 shift.

Yafro Moblog