Another day that will live in infamy
Well this is the anniversary of 9-11, no not the number you call in emergency. How interesting that the date reflects the well known number of needing assistance. In an over analyzed overview, the very act of 9-11 kind of reflects the state of the world, in an emergency and need of help. But whose George W. gonna call... not the GhostBusters.

I am kind of reminded of how sick I was of the medias coverage of the day. I remember the over exploited media packaging of the tragedy with Titles like " America under Attack" and other lame titles they kept throwing at us. As if this was some kind of summer blockbuster that Hollywood was trying sell the public. I believe in the importance of the media but I don't like how comercial they make everything, I don't like how insincere it often comes off as.

I really don't think it needs to be said that it was a tragedy and many people are affected and suffered. With most humans that is just a given.

I think it will be interesting to see what this day is crafted into as time goes by.


Yafro Moblog