oh Pee Wee
Pee Wee likes child porn. I might have heard about a while ago and forgot but I just found out that Paul Reubens, aka Pee Wee Herman, is currently on trial for possession of child pornography amongst a huge porn collection.

What's with Pee Wee and always getting caught or being charged with these sexual crimes. It sort of puts this really dark and sinister spin on Pee Wee's playhouse doesn't it.

His defense is that he purchased porn in bulk and never really got to looking at all of the stuff he had. There is also problems with how all of this was seized so he could get off. I just have to say that this the most laughable defense. That just sounds so bad, right up there with the dog ate my homework. Ok granted he might be innocent and this might be the truth but really it's a hard explanation to swallow.

I wonder what ever happened to the charges against Pete Townsend relating to his own child porn scandal? Why do these stars have so much problems with child porn. I often wonder, aside from condeming anyone associated with this, what is driving people towards this, and perhaps this has always been around, but more underground in the past, but could it be our youth driven society which drives this? I think I read before that in our times sex with certain ages rose. I think it basically said it was less of a stigma to have sex with a 14 or 15 year old long ago, and only in our times has the age risen and the thought of having sex with anyone under 18 is criminal. When I say before I think they were going by centuries and more.

This brings the question of how times changes affects social change and our perceptions. So is age of consent regarding sex more of a social conduct guide, something decided by the times and not really defined. This brings me to ask, are Pee Wee and Pete Townsend simply in violation of a social code of the time and not a moral code. It is easy to say we are right...now since the code is in effect, but i think it is a real tough call. When I think about it, most of my beliefs and people I know, are based on social code and I honestly believe it can conflict with moral code. This is all so confusing because I think social code influences moral code. Therefore can there really ever be a true set moral code? If most of it is based upon our social code

Ok I am done confusing myself and everyone reading this. Perhaps I am over thinking. I want to forgive everyone, that is my problem. I don't want to judge people. I'd be the worst judge. I am imperfect and I would always question my decisions because I know of my imperfection. In life we perhaps need to judge, to go along with life as it is. I used to think perhaps I should have been angrier at the people who dealt my mother the drugs that killed her or I should have been angry at her. I chose not to judge her or them. I simply accepted it as apart of the human process. A part of the process is making mistakes that we pay for individually and sometimes collectively, therefore we should not judge another, it is human to error. I always took to heart the statement by Jesus, " He who hath not sin may cast the first stone." I think the principle is quite sound. It's almost as good as the golden rule. I often cringe when I hear how people discussing their judgement on people who break social rules and how they want to deal with them. It almost seems sad that it leads the judgee to a spot no better than those they condemn. I sometimes feel that when we judge another, we can very likely fall into our very own failings as a being.

THere is an expression that goes " I have every right to judge you" Say for example someone kills a family member or someone betrays a great trust. I was thinking if someone said that deep down do they have every right? What defines as a necessary thing to judge another. Aside from social logic, granting people these rights, I don't think these rights exist really. Therefore people really don't have rights to too much aside themselves perhaps??? I don't know, I am just thinking out loud.

I am thinking about this because I have been thinking that judgement really feels like a ugly thing in human nature. It's odd because it seems to be a strong part of human nature, yet it doesn't necessarily seem right.

Ok maybe I am exhausted or delirious. A few points in this rant I sort of lost track of my own thoughts.

Now I feel bad for making those cracks at Pee Wee's defense. But I can't help it, it sort of engrained in me to on some level judge him. I don't really know what the point, I just saw some story on it and heard some commentary and it got me thinking, cause I really love Pee Wee and loved Pee Wee's Playhouse, I even thought of being him for Halloween this year. Some may say I am loosing track of the lives of the children, but as children we all faced our shares of pain and scarring. Perhaps though the children involved have a better say for what they believe and choose to feel regarding this. Ok before I say something else about things I have no solid position on I will go. These aren't my solid beliefs but just random thinking really on this subject and people.

Yafro Moblog