It's a beautful day. I had to wake up early to do a house cleaning with my family. There was plenty of heavy moving and I was already tired and sore from working 5 days, rather 5 nights in a row. I have worked 30 hours these past 5 days and that doesn't count my shift coming in a half an hour, another 1-10. My body is tired and I am somewhat mentally exhausted.

I am somewhat worried how I will handle basic training which most likely will be worse. I am already tired. I sort of want to rest a little before I go up, I don't want to be already exhausted going into it. I am starting to worry since I have all this time to wait whether or not I can do this. I hate time, more time can give your mind more time to doubt itself. Tomorrow I have to work an also in the morning I have to go into an interview to get another job to fill up what down time I have remaining. Life can really suck sometimes. I hate my life sometimes, plus no matter how hard I work I still don't have an abundance of cash to go out. I hate that I am always figuring out ways to stretch what I have for the week. Most times I don't have enough money. I had to stop buying comics which kind of really makes me sad and want to cry.


Yafro Moblog