Halle Berry
Ha! I just saw this comercial with Halle Berry, it was of her hitting this girl on the street with her car. I just loved that they somehow got her behind a car again and almost hitting someone on the road for her Movie Gothica. Especially after all that trouble she got in, for that hit a run a few years ago. Even in her movies she's hitting people. Hehe, well at least in her movie she went back to see if the girl was ok. I guess weird things amuse me. Well as most of you might be able to tell, I'm in a far better mood. Maybe I was just tired.

Watched the VMA's. It was ok. Music is so much bigger than what they reduce to. It was cool seeing Metalica do cover songs. The hole Duran Duran moment seemed awkward but they are a great band. It was interesting seeing Britney and Christina reduced to back up singers for Madonna.

It's weird but watching the music awards I can't help but feel sometimes that all the hype is sort of over for some of these artist by the time these awards come around. Kelly Clarkson got shafted, but against real big name artists she's just another fish in the fishbowl. Chris rock was ok, his thing seems a little stale but some of it was funny. The Fab 5 with Jimmy Fallon was cool.

Ok this is getting bad, I'm recaping the VMAs. People don't need me to do that.

Anywho, ooh one more thing, anyone notice how bad Chris Martin from Coldplay's teeth was? It sort of reinforces that whole Britains with bad teeth thing.

And watching all the shows that feature the Olsen Twins, and the jokes so many male stars make, I can't help but feel deep down all these guys are pulling an R Kelly in their own heads. People often make fun of the things the secretly desire. I sort of am tired of that joke already.

A final comment... I think there was a lot of showcasing of older artist, well, artists who have been around for more than one or two hits, and I couldn't but help feel that a lot of the steadfasts new material really pales in comparison to their known hits: i.e Madonna, Metallica, Mary J Blidge. Hehe, they all start with M's.

Wait one more thing, don't you hate in award shows, when one artist is in every category, and they play their song clips over and over again. I was going to snap if I heard "In Da Club" or "Cry Me a River" one more time!!! AHHH!!!!

Ok apparently I have no life. That's about all I guess.


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