john tuturo
Well I am feeling better. I just woke up from a really movie like dream. It was starring John Tuturo of of all people but it was at first a younger version. He seemed somewhat autistic but he falls in love with this woman who loves him but she get shot while their in the park embracing. An older John Tuturo moves to Mississippi to find work. Meanwhile there is this secondary story. Basically the region has become unstable. A geologist reveals the area has become unstable and may go at an moment. It sort of like the San Andreas Fault on the West cost one day sinking most of the West coast.

In my dream it's about the government deciding to sit on that info. The dream sort of flashes back to John Tuturo who feels the shaking in the ground but it also focuses on his life and on his career planting grass. It's all very cinematic and movie like.

I woke up before an ending could come out of all of it.


Yafro Moblog