Democrats and stuff
I was channel surfing and came across this Democratic Presidential Canidates. There were some rather moving speakers. I actually had some interest in voting for some of these canidates. They seemed united in putting an end to GW Bush's reign of terror. You know what... I am looking forward to saying adios to GWB.

I will vote this time around. I didn't vote for the first time last time and I regret it so much. I will vote because the lesson learned from not voting last time was GW Bush.

I wonder if the American people will re-elect him.

Well today was another long day at work. Coming back to work from a vacation is really hard. It's been a tough week.

Viva is not taking care of her health. She's pushing herself, neglecting her need for rest, not taking her Lupus Medication and others for her Kidneys. She hasn't seen her Dr. for her monthly checkups since we were going out and I went with her. She has been feeling faint and I was pushing her to go to see her Dr. while we were going out.

I sort of got tired of being this overbearing caring mate. I understand each person's freedom when it comes to one's own health but she is being so pig headed. It's getting dangerous. The worst thing, I am the only person she tells her action and so I sometimes feel I am the only person really aware of her poor health. I don't even think this guy she's seeing really understands how much her health is deteriorating. I notice things and I pay attention and sometimes I wonder if the fact that I know her and force her to look at the truth that somewhat makes me the one she doesn't want to be with. If her nature is to run, why not run from the guy who knows you just as well as you know yourself. This guy in her life seems to take a more hands off approach.

We had a discussion and instead of painting a false picture for her I told her what I believed to be the reality. She got upset that I was so honest. She told me she didn't want to hear the truth. I sometimes wonder if that is something that seperated us. I was always honest... maybe too honest. I pay attention. I know when she not getting enough sleep, not eating enough, or eating food with too much sodiuim which she had a reaction too. I understand that with Lupus, she shouldn't always be in the sun, because it taxes her kidney's, she shouldn't be sunbathing. Sunbathing is a wonderful thing but i know these things aren't good for her.

In my mind I realized I was being a downer at times but in the end I choose to be the person looking out for her even at the cost of my being her dream guy. I really loved her and I made a decision which I never told her to look out for her no matter the cost. It could have cost me love.


Yafro Moblog