I love Natalie Merchant
Well no dreams last night. Well none I could remember. Perhaps it was because I went to sleep at 5am last night or rather morning. I found myself watching 3 hours of Dawson's creek on TBS. Yes you read right. I never really watched this show. And while I am not about to become it's biggest fan, I don't know. It was just funny how intellegent the shows dialogue was trying to be. It was just kind of funny in a bad way. I sometimes become facinated by the bad. I have a healthy sense of humor you could say. I really have never seen a show that tried so hard to have intellegent dialogue. I just can't see the age demographic talking like this. It's just really funny to watch. It's sort of like making Denise Richard into a Nuclear Scientist and giving her a bunch of techno babble she would never know, and having her say it. It was a riot watching this.

I watch things for the weirdest reasons. I laugh sometimes at such insignificant things. My mind is unique and just chooses to laugh sometimes, whether something is good or not.

Of course I also kept switching between the news coverage of the war. It was a sight, I will give it that. The images of the fall of Baghdad does make an impact.

I also was listening to some Natalie Merchant last night. I haven't listened to her in a while. I picked up Ophelia, and I had forgotten in some sense , how much I loved that album. I know not everyone likes her and she doesn't knock everyones socks off. This woman was seriously someone I considered the greatest artist. I love her sound. Tigerlily is my favorite album of hers though. I restate though she is one of my three most favorite artist. It is so soulful and I just love singing her songs. I am listening to Tigerlily right now , just thinking about it. I am listening to "San Andreas Fault" and I am falling in love again. I am serious when I say I love every song on the Tigherlily Album. Sure I love some more than other but they are all the best. For some reason "Beloved Wife" touches me, even though I am not a woman or a wife. I think I identify with the loss in that song.

I am going to go on and on about this album, cause I can. I loved the 10,000 Maniacs too. It was sad when she left them but I think she really came into her own in Tigerlily. And 10,000 Maniacs still sound good with the singer they choose to replace Natalie.

What is funny that sort of came up in my English class was about selling out. People consider punk bands that get play on MTV2 or just making it mainstream...selling out. I think this is such elitist crap. Who cares if other people dislike or even like the music you love. The things is to just love the music, despite what others think. If anything, it makes the people who worry about this lame. If the music continues to be good after they make it big, then that is all that matters to me.

Oh God, now I am listening to "River. " Listening to this is like being a virgin all over again. I don't know why I haven't listened to her in so long. I wish someone was here cause I would just love to dance close to someone right now and share the music.

I remember how much I loved her song "Carnival" It was a bit over played on VH1, but it's guitar rifts are so solid. It's simple but very smooth.

I started to listen to the 10,000 maniacs in 1993 and I haven't put down anythign related to her since. The 10,000 maniacs unplugged tape was the fourth album I had.

I remember i started listening to Waynes World Soundtrack, Jon Secada, Whitney Houston "Bodyguard", and 10,000 maniacs. Those were my first real musical purchases. My musical tastes has spread, wide and far. But of them all, I realize I will always love her and Radiohead. I remember in 1995 I first laid my hands on Tigerlily. I think I was a sophomore in Highschool and while I liked the music of the time, I remember listening to Natalie and finding some sense of comfort in her voice and her song.

It's funny thinking about this, but I had some weird crush on Natalie Merchant. I wanted her to sing for me. I thought that a perfect moment would be singing and slow dancing to one of her songs. Trust me, I was an odd kid. I kept my love of her a secret though, cause it is not the most macho of choices for a male to make. I have always loved female artists. They are truly equal in the music world, no doubt.

I will say one negative thing though, aside from Carnival and Kind and Generous, I never really liked her music videos as a solo artist. I liked some of her 10,000 maniacs videos. They seemed sometimes to cliche and didn't work with the songs strength.

Ok I will wrap this up so I can take a quick shower and listen to Tigerlily before I go to bed.


Yafro Moblog