I love the 80's
I bought comics today, so I am happy for the day. I don't have to work tonight which is nice. I was slacking off and playing Final Fantasy 10. I am pretty far in the game. I have been crazy addicted to that game. I watching I Love the 80's on VH1. I love that show, it always makes me laugh. I do love 80's Nostalgia. It's funny cause Andrew Dice Clay said something about his interpretation of Debbie Gibsons, "Shake Your Love.". He said he took that phrase to meaning something different. I was on the floor laughing. I love this show!

I was watching Oprah yesterday, this isn't something I usually do cause I am not jumping on her band wagon but she had a really good show about Iraq. I think that is one thing our government doesn't do or do at all. They don't really explain who the people we are fighting. I realize media can greatly shape your views and they may or may not be correct. It is something that does appear to need addressing. Who are the people of Iraq. It's hard because when you think of Iraq you think of Saddam Hussein. When you bomb Iraq, you don't only bomb Saddam but you bomb all those people.

I thought the show was good because I really got a different picture of Iraq. I realized that the human factor.

I find the public backlash against artist expressing their public views really funny. Truth be told I think artists have been dogged for years for not doing more and saying more. Now that they are the whole blacklist is coming back. For me I don't care what a celebrity is pushing. If I agree then I agree but I don't let them think for me. People should stop focusing on the background noise and try focusing on what is important. It's easy to go after celebrities when you don't want to face the reality, right here and now.


Yafro Moblog