She likes me
I had to work tonight 1-10. I hate that shift. That is why I hate having 2 jobs.

On a brighter note I think this girl at work likes me. I think in the past I'd get all gaga cause oh my god someone likes me, but I am sort of uncertain about how I feel. I am flattered and to some degree I think she's really nice and she's cute and all but I am not sure what to make of my feelings. It's weird cause I feel in this gray area when it comes to my feelings towards people. I'm thinking I should at least see where things can lead but I don't want to lead this girl on or anything like that. I think going slowly with caution would be the best. Work was tiring and other than that I have not much else to report for tonight. I'm going to call it an early night. I think I may not write in my journal until this Sat or Sunday when I get back from my trip. I will be gone anyways and I have tons of things to deal with but if anything that is breaking news occurs I will definetly write while I am here. I leave for Molokai on Wednesday and come back Saturday Afternoon. Perhaps I may keep a written account of my trip.


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