if I could be a superhero
I was thinking about this after reading emilylime journal about what kind of superpowers I would like to have. If I could only have one type of power, it would be that of a person that can mimic people and powers. I could shape shift into anything and also mimic any abilities they may have. So if I wanted to mimic what I would imagine superman to be, I could and also mimic whatever powers I believed him to have. Or I could shape shift into an eagle and actually be able to fly, and so on. It sort of a cop out to getting a lot of abilities, but I particulary like the part of becoming anything I could imagine. Here is a question out there for anyone who reads my page, what would you choose for powers? I was wondering if I truly had powers what would I use them for? Would I use it to get everything I ever wanted. Basically would I use it for self serving reasons. Honestly, I think at first I would. Afterwards I would really try to help the world. But I wonder to what extant? Honestly when you think of the idea of superhumans that save the world, can one person really save an entire world, that has so many different views?

Do you trust yourself to make the right decisions? And what about the people who have beliefs that are contrary to your own. I mean, I think how would I handle the thing with Iraq? If I had to ability to oblieterate the army or technology of Iraq, would it be right? Would I be a Earth protector or simply an American bully? Would I stand up to America if i thought they were wrong? I am not one of those people that are super partriotic and can't see past the stars and stripes on our flag. I look first at what is right and wrong, don't get me wrong I do believe in this country, but I don't buy into that America can do no wrong. I think patriotism is a dangerous thing. I don't see events that happen like 9-11 as an attack on American Freedom or our way of life. It was in basic terms, a difference of opinions and points of view that manifested itself violently in our world. There could very well be things we don't really know about, so how can we as a people form a sound position? Life lost is not right, but it happens and nothing we can do can prepare us for such things. The first thing I wondered when I heard about 9-11, is not whether these people are pure evil, but I wondered what America as a whole could have done to perpetuate this reaction. I don't think we as a people are innocents and I don't like people hiding behind nationalism. Sometimes things are one sided, but most times in life there are events by both sides that push events to occuring. And sometimes things just happen. I think that unity and group unification in belief can be very dangerous. In a group I think it can be so much harder to open up minds and reason. Unification only strengthens a person or groups resolve in one's belief because they have only each other to reinforce their beliefs. I think it is easier to change one person's mind rather than a groups. For example, hate, it is easier to work on one persons mind against hating, but a group is much more difficult to convince to leave hate behind. A group only has each other to reinforce each others hate. That is why I don't like to believe in patriotism and in grouping together in religion. I think a group mentality can be dangerous and can blind you from seeing things. People sometimes stop thinking for themselves and start following blindly. I don't think this is a certainty, I can make a case to disprove this, but I think a group can accomplish as much good as bad. One person can do less damage than a group in most cases. Like I said this is not always true. People can transcend the group and do enough damage alone. For example George W. Bush is a man in the position of destroying the whole world. I think he could if it the situation presented itself, not that he would but he does not necessarily illict my confidence. If he does, or not, that is for all of us to find out. I hope that the possibility never comes to pass. I don't think we really have any good leaders in our world. There is no one that draws my respect or confidence. I wonder how and why should I vote when I don't believe in these people. Sure you could vote for the person who will do less damage, or the lesser evil so to speak. But should we really be going this way? And do people ever wonder if America will be here forever? I sure hope this doesn't come back to haunt me at some kind of witch trial. These are just things I wonder about and have no intentions of acting on, or proving. But really I don't think America is invincible or believe it will or should be here forever. I think if America can change into something better and different, than I support improvement. I don't put myself into being the judge of what is better but I believe a person can limit what America can be by having it be one thing and only that. Tradition is a good and bad thing in a group mentality. We all abhor change, myself included. I honor tradition but I realize that traditions hold things up and impede progress. It is something I have no true answer to. Traditions are apart of us and influence our future but do we hold it too dear and must we as a people learn to simply let go and remember the sentiment but not be governed by it. PEople all around me seem trapped by the set up of life. Perhaps this is the best way, the alternative could be complete chaos. Perhaps we need structure to keep chaos at bay but do we have too much structure. Do we need more chaos in the world. And do we need to accept more that there is chaos. I know I am not the first person to think of these things and I don't expect anyone else to think the same way. I just am in a contemplative mood and don't mean to offend anyone who believes otherwise. We are all free to have our own opinions, that is what I hope America never loses.


Yafro Moblog