office deviance
Here's another one from work. I assume one must wonder do I do any work at work, well for your info I do and I tend to take my breaks here and there cause my job is pretty easy and even while slacking I still manage to do more work then most of my co-workers.

Actually I was going to write about something but I can't remember. Actually what I will mention is I saw an article in the paper talking about office web abuse and people going online instead of working, like me, hehe. No to be honest I don't have much to say tonight. I have a Japanese Oral Exam tomorrow and will have to cram tonight for it. Day four of hair dyed and it still appears I'm getting, oh mygod what did you do to your hair. The worst thing is I totally disagree with everyone and like my hair. I guess that's what's important. I think this will be the last mention of my hair cause already I've set aside 3 or 4 entries regarding it. Unless something big happens I won't mention it anymore. Well that's all folks


Yafro Moblog