Bleach Blond Hair
Well I finally did it, I dyed my hair well I bleached it blond. I did it at 2 am which is a bad idea. AFter I put it in I had to let it sit for an hour. I didn't think I would start to get sleepy. Plus I didn't have my contacts on so I had glasses which I had to take off so I was completely blind and couldn't do anything and I wanted to lie down pretty badly. I think people might think I look gay but I don't really care, it's just something I like to do every once in a while, I find it sort of liberating. It didn't come out too bad. I'm listening to Belle and Sebastion right now, if you ever get the chance you should give them a listen. I'm going to be the joker this Halloween and is partially the reason I bleached my hair so the green dye would set in better. Now I just have to find a purple suit. I will no doubt have to deal with peoples thoughts. I'll have to listen to some comment like you look gay or something like that...just lame. They are all very typical man types. They are good people otherwise but I like to dance on that edge sometimes but i like to experience different things and I'd say I'm incredibly open minded. I just like to be different. I wish sometimes men could be more than they are and embrace, other qualities instead of sticking to the one gender role. They don't have to be women I don't wish to be, but I realize I have certain qualities that aren't really macho but I embrace them and make them apart of me. I feel pretty balanced, more so than others around me. It's hard cause I don't meet too many guys like that. I like girl in that way cause they do possess that nature and it is something that really exist well with me.


Yafro Moblog