whats in a title...
You know i hate having to have title for a blog...i mean not everything in your day can be compartmentalized into a headline.

Well I haven't been feeling myself lately...hehe maybe it's this diet i'm trying...this is probably the most serious i've tried in a while... I'm taking a combination of metabolism booster and multi vitamins, excercising which i am supposed to regularly but haven't been doing till recently again, and really watching what i eat and drink. I'd say i've been doing this the entire week. Seeing some results...small, but steady. The main challenge will be staying on this track for more than a week...that is where i tend to go wrong...usually it starts with me eating junk food followed by excercise decrease and just eating too much.

The main thing i noticed is the portions as well...it's been a change getting me to eat less.. i am just used to eating till i'm full.... I ate tuna and salad wrapped in a wheat low carb tortilla these last two nights. Not sure but I surely felt a lot happier overall when i was eating what i normally do.

Dieting is so much a mental issue for me. My biggest problem is staying with something that doesn't necessary net instant results.

Why am i dieting...well I need to be a certain weight so i can get promoted.

Dieting aside though, it hasn't been a great week. I sort of find myself not wanting to be around people lately and their problems...i kind of find myself more moody and negative overall. Their is so much in life that frustrate me because they are so unnecessary. I feel a growing detachment these last few days.

Well, hopefully I can get out of this rut this weekend.

There isn't much to do, but while i've been here, i've been a person of habit and i sort of want to get out of that.

Well enough moaning on this end...time to get back to watching the NBA Playoffs...and watch the lakers finish off the Suns tonight.

I finished watching Final Fantasy Advent Children that I ordered from Amazon which was pretty good...I had forgotten what a revolution the game was...it really took me back to 1997...what a year that was.


Yafro Moblog