Hitler Lovin Satanist Wannabe
Only I would end up with a Hitler loving Satanist wannabe roommate.

I think i mentioned this before, but in case you don't know...yes this is my current roommate...and you know what I would be a hypocrite I think, if i condemned him no matter how backwards i consider them...or how it turns my stomach.

Me, I believe that people should be free to believe whatever they wish...no matter what it is...as long as it doens't directly endanger my life or those i love and remains nonviolent...believe away...after that it is fair game to protect yourself...when I say directly endanger i am not talking percerceived danger...i think people in the world project too much anticipatory danger and counteract before anything happens...ok off subject...back to the roomie.

Last night he brings in a new girl and they talk about what a Genius Hitler is...I on the other hand am trying to sleep...obviously i can't sleep as i listen in shock to this conversation. They were talking about the only mistake Hitler made in his quest for taking over the world, was that he got arrogant...i on the other hand think many people might feel he made... oh lets say a few other mistakes...this thing called the Holocaust maybe....or maybe there was this other thing...what was it called...the master race....but what do i know...i'm just one of those inferior minorities that need to be purified...i have no problem if this is what he wants to believe...yet he tells me to my face i am his buddy here...which i know i can make friends with anyone but sheesh.

If Hitler had suceeded and conqured the world...he probably wouldn't have stopped with Jews...next would be Black people, Asians...Hispanics...death camps....death camps anyone?

I don't know...people that want to be associated with Nazi's or Satanist...don't realize the true meaning of this...these things are apart of what it means to be apart of these groups...things like death camps, and random killing and violence aren't just a small detail to these groups...you can't gloss over it and go " oh yeah by the way....People you know and are friends with might be a minority...ringing any bells yet where this all leads...well he can't see it.

I feel so sorry for my roommate...at heart i feel he is a good guy...just so terribly misguided. His mother commited suicide and he found his mother...and you know I can almost relate to him...yet i found such a different truth in life... he spurns people for treating him badly and not accepting him for what he believes...yet the irony is that Hitler isn't what I would call open to accept people for what they were or believed if it opposed his point of view. Haters of haters beget haters.

I don't know what to say. Listening to two people have this conversation, did make me feel sick and sad. That I could find myself in a room with such a conversation taking place... i felt sad for life and the world.

Don't get me started on when they started to talk about religion. And the generalizations about people that believe in God and their weakness for those beliefs.

BTW he was drunk somewhat last night as was she...yet this isn't anything new...i knew he was a proclaimed Satanist...which oddly i accepted.

My true analysis of him is that he chooses everything that would alienate him from people because when people reject him for his views he can spurn them for being intollerable pricks of his beliefs and not reject him because they just don't like him. Basically I think he chooses things that would make people reject him...maybe he felt that is what his mother did by killing herself and now that he can't deal with the pain he does this in some sick way to protect himself...and that is why i feel sorry for him.

He really does want to be loved and needs a lot of attention... he also needs a lot of reaffirmation and validation...which he can never get because of the manner he tries to provoke it out of people. Then there is his drinking...it is part habitual at this point and partly just to drown out pain he can't handle.

Amazing what you can learn about people when you live with them. you talk to them, you listen to them, and just watch.


Yafro Moblog