Better Luck Tomorrow
So last night I watched this movie called Better Luck Tomorrow. I wasn't expecting much nor have I ever heard of it, but I was very surprised. I enjoyed it and it was nice to see Asian people in a film that didn't seem contrived or too stereotypical.

I could relate to certain things in the film, which was nice. There was an actress in the movie that really reminded me of Viva.

I don't think about her very much anymore. It's been 2 years since we broke up. Yet she was the last significant love I had. I was really happy and I felt really sure of my love. I haven't felt that again and I still worry I won't. I can meet a girl I like and hope those feelings develop, but I don't know if I will ever feel that sure.

I had a crush on her when I first met her and when things started to happen, I can't ever remember feeling happier, as if everything I felt I ever wanted was finally coming to me. Of course just like that, it all went away and I was crushed for many months. I was telling a friend that I was really surprised at how much I loved this girl. I knew I liked her, but I had no idea how much I would come to love her.

Anyways, watching this movie, made me think of Viva. I know apart of me still loves her and will always love her. I have moved on, yet the next person I love, well that chapter really hasn't been filled. I think you can move on from relationship, but nothing cements a definite move away from that relationship until you fall in love again, well I at least think that is true for me.

For me, I really want to be that happy again. It was so perfect and I honestly feel that in that moment that we both made each other very happy, which made the sudden end so much more gut wrenching. As my life stands right now, not saying it won't change with time, she was my one greatest love. I loved and in some ways still love her. I don't think or know if it'd ever work again, but those months I can barely describe. Out of it all I was so happy to have been able to feel that if only once in my life.

It is something to know that at one moment in time, you felt love.

As corny as that sounds that is how I felt. Just think after all this time, I still think about her. I wonder how she is doing and hoping she is happy. I felt love and am greatful for it. I just hope that wherever she is, that she is happy.

If I ever get to feeling love like that again, I will truly feel abundantly blessed.


Yafro Moblog