Houston Recap
Well Houston was a blast. I drove up with my friend and exroomie. The roommate I actually like as apposed to the one I have now.

We left Saturday morning and got to Houston in the afternoon. On the way there I saw a Jack N'a Box and hate me a Sourodough Jack..mmm.

In Houston I went to the Galleria, which is supposed to be the 5th biggest mall. It was nice going shopping, its weird i didn't realize how much i missed stuff like malls being at Fort Polk where the closest thing to a mall is Wallmart.

My friend went to Sharper Image and bought one of those replica Star Wars Light Saber. He was so excited, it made me laugh. He's such a kid, but that is why i like him. He's a real good guy. He really reminds me of Carlton Banks from the Fresh Prince of Belair. He's a great friend

Afterwards I hate at this Chinese Buffet which was pretty good. After that my friend and I caught a cab and went down to main street and went to some clubs.

I am not really a club person. I like going to bars with friends and having drinks but I am not into the whole scene of going to pick up girls. Almost every girl there was there with a guy.

Plus its so loud that you really can't have a good conversation.

I had some drinks which was nice. I had 4 Three Wise Men, 1 Roman Coke and a Smirnoff. I wasn't smashed, but my reflexes were definetly affected.

We stayed at the La Quita Inn. Whenever we were in the room my friend was playing with his light saber.

On Sunday we went to more stores and I found this really good comicbook store. I bought a ton of graphic novels and a few shirts. I got a really cool Batman shirt.

I also found some Jamba Juice in the area...YIPPEE!

I had myself a Orange Dream Machine...double mmm!

I've been craving so much of that.

On the way there I did the ultimate splurge and bought a Sony PSP.

At the end of the day my friend and I drove back in our rental car.

It was a great trip.


Yafro Moblog