Constantine followed by Drunk NCO Cab Ride
Well I went to the movies yesterday and saw Constantine. Overall, I liked it. I was a little worried it'd be really bad.

There was one part where the dialogue was very Matrix like. I don't know, but throughout the movie I kept expecting Trinity to come on the screen and Bitch slap Rachael Weis character and tell her, "Keanu is my man toy," hehe.

That be kind of a funny movie. Put every movie Keanu Reeves was in and maybe a few of the secondary characters and throw it all together.

My cab ride home was a most memorable one.

There was a drunk Staff or Master Sergeant. I think it was a Master Sergeant, which is kind of disturbing. Someone that high ranking, that was plastered out of their mind.

What is worse I had to sit Bitch seat in the back, right in the middle seat. I was squeezed right next to the drunken NCO (Non-Comissioned Officer) as he attempted to say something to me every second. He kept patting me on the arm like I was his best friend. And when he patted this other soldier in the front, the soldier kept threatening to kick his ass if he didn't stop touching him.

I just wanted to get out of there without being in a brawl in the cab and somehow crashing.

On top of that he kept saying, just kill me then. "Stab me, Stab me, Stab me then." Or the other one, "Shoot me, shoot me, Shoot me."

This guy didn't have a great imagination when it came to his non-sensical ramblings.

If I was plastered I'd like to be caught saying something amazingly profound, to some stranger in the back of a cab, but that is just me.


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