range and white noise
Well today I did journalist related work for once, which was nice. It wasn't ideal , but it was nice. We went out to the range where they were doing training excercises. I took the pictures and did a few interviews.

It was a lot harder taking photos today, than at my training school where they taught us to shoot. For one thing, I didn't have the right equipment. I had to use me own camera which was nowhere near the quality of what I had been using. Secondly I had never shot running, and moving soldiers that were firing weapons. There are a lot of things to take into account when doing this. I have to be safe so I don't accidently get shot. Knowing my luck, sometime I think that could happen. So yeah, I need to be careful.

It is hard taking moving shots. In training, I can't ask for the soldier to slow down and do that again. And I can't get to close because they are firing live rounds.

I didn't want to get too close, since I forgot to bring my ear plugs.

A few pictures came out ok, but most of them were out of focus and I cut a few limbs off which couldn't be helped. Plus my camera has limited zoom capability which considering the distance at times, I was lucky to have the shots i got.

Non work related... I saw White Noise, at the Post theatre.

It was good until the end, which is the truth of most scary movies. I would have made a lot of different choices.It had a long build-up, and for something that was building for so long in the movie, I was expecting more.

The song of the day is by Luna called "Speedbump." Just something I wanted to listen to.


Yafro Moblog