Greetings from Fort Polk
Well it seems like so long since I've updated this thing.

Well I have been sort of in this transition period where everything is hectic and crazy and nothing is settled.

I really have so much to write about but really I only have so much time and so I can only touch upon a few things really.

It seems like lately i don't have the time to spend on things I would have loved to have spent on in the past.

So I am at Fort Polk aka Fort Puke. Well it's Louisianna, so what can I say. I haven't seen much of it or done much in terms of sightseeing.

I don't have internet or phone service which sucks. In the process of getting a new phone and service.

The major things bothering me right now is that instead of a Public Affairs Specialist- Journalist, I've gotten stuck at Headquarters stuck in Personnel.

The problem is the public affairs office for the newly formed Brigade here has no PA office and I am the first one here. So for now I have to rot in the wonderful life of personnel. It could be worse though.

Well I will try to get internet and just more of my time settled so i can write in this thing by next week hopefully.


Yafro Moblog