Did you know....
Did you know that a woman can have feces come out of her vagina if while having anal sex it damages the wall between her rectum and her vagina. I know it's gross. There is some old woman Dr. on cable who has her own sex show. I find it quite amusing to see someone that could be someone's grandma talking about anal sex and or sex toys.

It's just weird hearing these topics of conversation coming out of this womans mouth. I wonder what it'd be like to have her a your grandmother. Could you imagine your grandmother talking about using proper lubrication during anal sex. Actually she said that it is rare that the lining between the rectum and vagina breaks down and has feces coming through that way. She said that this usually occurs when sex is too rough without enough lubrication.

Though it's a gross subject it's something I wouldn't have ever thought of. Ok I guess enough poop talk for tonight.

On another note I watched 2 DVD's tonight. So now I've watched 3 of the 7 I've borrowed. Tonight I watched "Raising Victor Vargas" and I also watched for a second time "Lord of the Rings: Two Towers" to get myself ready to watch Return of the King. I figure I'd watch it so when i saw King it'd be all fresh in my head.

Victor Vargas was a pretty good and interesting movie. I am often surprised by these random movie selections I make. I often borrow movies I've never heard of based of how interesting the covers and images on the cover. Not exactly a science, but sometimes I want to see more than what's always in the theatre or on trailers.


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