Christian Bale
Christian Bale as Batman, hmm, I am open to it. It's a lot better than George Clooney as Batman.

The writer of this film is the writer of Blade and the Director of Momento. Not bad, like I said at least there is no George Clooney. They are going back to before the other Bat flicks time lines. Before Batgirl and Robin and Mr. Freeze.

This supposed Batflick is coming out Summer of 2005. That is so far away!!! I jokingly will say, I can't die until that day, so nothing can happen to me, I will go AWOL just to see this film. Ok maybe not that drastic but I really want to see another Batman movie. Actually I would love to see a Justice League of America Movie. Perhaps i should try my hand at writing a comic book based story based on the characters I know and love.

Well as I mentioned earlier, I start work tomorrow at my new job, I'm a little nervous.


Yafro Moblog