I'd Start a Revolution
There is this song which I can't stop listening. I have it continuously playing on winamp. It is Aimee Allen, I'd start a revolution. It is the theme to Birds of Prey. I'd hate to say it, but I've fallen prey to a bad WB show. I downloaded a bunch of Birds of Prey episodes and I'd hate to say it, even though it's got everything wrong with it, it's got me. And that theme song has got me really going. It reminds me of Buffy and Nerf Herder. It's that whole grinding metal in the background. It's almost like a female Chad Kroger or rather whatever his band is called playing from the Spiderman theme playing in the background. I look at Birds of Prey and it seems like Buffy meets X-files and X-men, and Waiting to Exhale or whatever sisterhood/lifetime women's bonding show. THere are so many X-files castoffs on this show. Even former Director Skinner popped up on an Episode. And the alien who burned out their eyes was on this show. Oh there is so much of Dark Angel in this show as well. The fighting sequences make me think of Dark Angel and it doesn't hurt that Huntress was on Dark Angel last season. What I don't understand is how they are going to put a canceled show on DVD. Dark Angel season 1 is coming to DVD. I am debating whether or not to get it when it comes out. The actress who plays Huntress is actually pretty fun to watch, it's the actress who plays Dinah who makes me cringe. She is so whinny and the typical cutesie blond bimbo-touch telepath, if there is such a type. Mia Sara is an interesting character, I just wish she wasn't Harley Quinn cause she doesn't feel that way. She'd be a better poison Ivy or a new made up Villain. I think they should have ventured out and started with a new made up Villan. Mia Sara is a very good Villaness(sp?).

Movie night proceeded without a hitch. I realize that though the ghost of my love for Stacy still exists, my love is really gone. She seems so different and distant from who I knew. It amazes me how differently I feel. I wonder if it is her who changed or was I simply blinded before. We watched But She's a Cheerleader and The Royal Tenembaums. I love both those movies. I really like watching DVD's with people. I really wish I had someone I could consistently watch movies with. I wish there was someone I could just invite over to watch movies with me. I really don't want to marry anyone but it'd be really fun just to have someone to watch a movie with and maybe go out dancing with or even do something crazy like, go skinny dipping with. I am not all proud of my body that I have to show it off but it funs just cutting loose and doing something fun. I haven't forgotten Skydiving. Once money is resecured It's Geronimo!!! Fuck it, if someone just died and I could. I don't fear death and even risking it I don't believe it will come for me, not yet. I don't know if it is the effects of this song but I fear nothing. I have been feeling strong again.

I have been looking forward now to moving into my new place. It will be bigger and the good things are 1. It's bigger. 2. I will have hot water in the early mornings and late nights (I have been taking a lot of cold showers and not cause I'm a horny individual) 3. It has a stove so I can resume baking meals and make other stuff like cookies, brownies, and cake (yeah call me a regular Betty Fuckin Crocker) It has AC so I can freeze my ass off. 4. I can get cable so I don't have to watch just basic TV with the fuzz. That is pretty much it. Oh and this doesn't bother me but it does bother my stepmother, I don't sleep on a bed. I usually sleep on the floor. I have this foldable futon, it is just the mattress part and no support structure. I usually have it folded up and use it as pillow. It's like I'm camping but just for the last 6 months.

I have been thinking everyone around me always seems so obsessed about their weight and well I am not getting any skinnier and people seem to constantly need to mention I look bigger, truth is I have gained some weight but some of that is muscle cause I work pretty hard and it is like a workout so a little more weight is expected. I am going to try to cut down on the junk foods and try to eat a little less. When I eat, I eat a lot. I eat less meals and larger portions which I know is a big no no. Smaller and more regular portions is the way to go I know. Well I am going to stop playing this song and go to sleep.


Yafro Moblog