It ain't easy being purple
Ok I was looking through other people's diary and through deepblue3's diary. She gave me a shout out and so I'm shouting back. Wouldn't it be cool if we were the only one's who read each other's journal yet we kept giving shout out's to one another, haha.

Great news, I have gotten together most of my costume for Halloween.

Green Hair...Check. Did it tonight and it came out better than that gel crap I tried earlier.

Purple pants and jacket... Check (yeah! Hooray!) I couldn't find any purple outfits for men, none. My only recourse was to rethink or resort to other measures. You won't believe the trouble I went through but I took non purple clothes and made them purple by wishing really hard and also squeezing my ass checks together really hard and repeating " purple urple" Purple Urple! Sorry maybe the dye's gone to my head. Earlier I tried bleaching my suit jacket from last Halloweens Groucho Marx costume. THe damn thing is black and even after being soaked in a bucket of clorox undiluted it still remained black. That's one strong mofo jacket! So I went back to goodwill and decided I'd look for alternatives. There I found a jacket with brown and white spots. So I thought to employ the tactics I tried with the black mofo. It was brown and had white and was more wooly so I figured washing it in purple dye would be a longshot but why not. I also got a pair of white pants. I had bleached these old navy blue pants and then dyed wash them and it didn't come out well. So this time I put my old dyed purple pants and the white and the jacket with even more purple dye. ANd the result is the pants I dyed the first time is a perfect purple and the white pants are this pastel purple so I have two shades of purple to choose from I'm going for the double dyed one and the jacket is completely purple. It is exactly what I wanted. Only one hitch. WHen I got it, it was way too big for me. Now it's pretty tight and I can wear it but its going to be tight and my shoulder muscle really show and It makes my chest look huge. I'm not that buff but it makes me look like arnold or rather mini arnold in a suit but dressed up as the Joker. I got makeup that I have not tried. THat is tomorrow. So we'll see how it turns out and I couldn't find a bow tie so i got this really loud and ugly green tie. I'll take some pictures and post them one I get the pictures developed. Stacy, Zack and I are going out to Waikiki to check out the costumes. My feelings about it before is gone. I 'm just going to go out and have fun. God after all the money and trouble I am going through for my costume it makes me sort of wish for a vat of acid to just make everything easier. I went to hot topics for the green dye. THere was this guy in the turquiose wig and had matching lip liner. It looked weird but I found it strangely attractive. I sort of wanted to try that color. I'm sort of weird sometimes. I want to try out there things and I think sometimes my tastes is far to gay for it's own good. I really like unnatural things. I thought he was kind of cute in a weird way. I sort of really like odd balls. I like people to be nice and to generally have a good heart but I like people who go out and aren't afraid to try different things. I don't look down on people like the guy at hottopics. Just from bleaching my hair I realize on some small level it isn't easy to make radical changes. YOu have to able to take any kind of critism that comes with your changed appearance. I like people who are outcasts cause I just seem to get a greater sense of sensitivity and understanding. I think we all to some degree want to stay in the lines of normal, but there are the few who like to flirt on the other side and don't let the line affect them. I'm sort of in the middle. I have a pretty open mind to try things but any one into subincison are very hardcore. Anyone who doesn't know what it is go to any search engine and type it in. Warning not for the faint of heart, and there is some nudity. Some friends of mine came across this term while looking for tattoos and we explored further, and it was some of the most messed up mutilation that I have ever seen. The things they did with a human penis and vagina is just scary and pretty extreme. Personally that is my line, no alteration or expermenting when it comes to my winkie. An angry looking winkie is an unhappy winkie is my motto.


Yafro Moblog